

    ANA Position Statements Column

    For easy access for all, the ANA Position Statements column features the latest position papers in the journal. This column begins with ANA Position Statements effective 2018. Information about the process for development of a position statement and statements prior to the inception of this column are available at:

    Editor: Liz Stokes, JD, MA, RN

    Informatics Column

    Informatics, sometimes equated with computerization, has become a well-recognized specialty in healthcare. Informatics, however, is not focused on computers or the related technology. The field of informatics focuses on the capturing, processing, analyzing, storing, and retrieving of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom with the goal of providing quality care to individuals, families, groups, and communities. To develop and implement effective healthcare information systems nurses need to take a proactive approach in determining how these systems can be best used in the delivery of healthcare. This requires that all nurses be aware of what informatics makes possible, as well as what informatics activities are occurring at regional, national, and international levels. This column, which will be posted two times a year, will address these topics.

    Editor: Dr. Ramona Nelson, PhD, BC-RN

    Legislative Column

    The overall goal of the Legislative column is for nurses to USE the information in the political process to strengthen nursing and nurses' roles in providing quality healthcare to all.

    Editor: Greer Glazer, RN, CNP, PhD, FAAN

    Ethics Column

    The goals for the Ethics column are to raise awareness of ethical issues for nurses across settings, specialties, and nationalities; inform readers about critical issues in ethics; encourage ethical thoughtfulness about ethical dilemmas that nurses face; and initiate commentary and responses from a variety of nurses globally.

    Editor: Jeanne Merkle Sorrell, PhD, RN, FAAN and Christine Sorrell Dinkins, PhD

    Cochrane Review Briefs Column: Archive 2013 – 2015

    The Cochrane Review Briefs column was retired in 2015 and is now archived. All previously posted columns are available to readers. This column was an international partnership with the Cochrane Nursing Care Field, Evidence Transfer Program. The goal was to disseminate summaries of nursing care-relevant Cochrane Reviews to encourage the transfer of the findings of Cochrane Reviews into global practice. The column featured short summaries of recent Cochrane Reviews.


    Information Resources Column: Archive 1999 – 2006

    The Information Resources column was retired in 2006 and is now archived. All previously posted columns are available to readers. This column capitalized on the potential of the Internet for professional development and patient care. Nurses need to be knowledgeable users of information and have the requisite set of information management skills. The Information Resources columns provided discussion of the availability and use of networked information.