Letter to the Editor by Karen Ho to “Benefits of On-Site Clinics”

Promoting Healthy Work Environments: A Shared Responsibility

August 4, 2018

Response by Karen Ho to “Benefits of On-Site Clinics” by Louise C. O’Keefe and Faye Anderson (March 20, 2017)

With Reply from Author

Dear Editor:

I am writing in support of the benefits of on-site clinics that can result in reducing overall healthcare cost for employees and employers.

There are several beneficial elements at on-site clinics which can provide preventive care and treatment for the employees. Bringing the health clinic to the workplace can eliminate absenteeism due to a doctor appointment and offer shorter wait time, easier access to the clinic, and reduced treatment cost. With earlier intervention, employees can receive treatment sooner, and possibly achieve better management of their chronic conditions. This can drastically improve overall workplace productivity as a result, due to a healthier working environment.

In a long run, an on-site clinic promotes awareness of “wellness culture” in the workplace. Employees may be more apt to establish relationships and actively seek medical inquiries with their healthcare providers, hopefully leading to a better health management and preventive care. Finally, this can reduce unnecessary healthcare costs, such as emergency room and office visits.


Karen Ho, RN
Family Nurse Practitioner Candidate 2019
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California


O’Keefe, L.C. & Anderson, F. (2017). Benefits of on-site clinics. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 22(2). doi:10.3912/OJIN.Vol22No02PPT51