Obesity on the Rise: What Can Nurses Do?
response from K. Jones on the topic Obesity on the Rise: What Can Nurses Do? (January 31, 2009)
Dear Editor:
I was glad to read your recent articles about obesity. However, I still feel that "the elephant in the room" is not being addressed. As nurses, we need to be proactive role models for our own and our clients' health and lifestyles. We continue to have too many obese healthcare providers...what kind of example is this? We need to make addressing obesity issues with our clients a part of our daily practice. Although addressing the subject of obesity is difficult and often taboo, costs of obesity are both incredible and preventable. Just as we now offer smoking cessation programs and have non-smoking policies at healthcare facilities for both staff and clients, we need also to discuss obesity with both staff and clients. Thank you for addressing this important issue.
K. Jones, RN