Letter to the Editor on "Clinical Screening and Intervention in Cases of Partner Violence"

Domestic Violence: How Many Steps Forward? How Many Steps Back?

August 30, 2002
in response to Clinical Screening and Intervention in Cases of Partner Violence

Dear Editor:

I very much salute the attention the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing is giving to domestic violence. However, I must protest the Griffin & Koss article on clinical screening on domestic violence published 1/31/02 that had not one nursing citation even though it contained a section on the nursing role in screening and intervention. With all the scholarship written by nurses in the domestic violence field (see for instance, Dr. Draucker's contribution with an extremely useful reference list in the same issue), it seems that the editors could have insisted these authors go find some nursing literature before publishing this article.

Jacquelyn C. Campbell, PhD, RN, FAAN
Anna D. Wolf Endowed Professor Associate Dean for PhD Programs and Research
The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing
Baltimore, MD