Reply by Author Louise C. O’Keefe to Karen Ho on “Benefits of On-Site Clinics”

Response by author Louise C. O’Keefe to Karen Ho on “Benefits of On-Site Clinics”  (March 20, 2017)

Dear Ms. Ho,

Thank you for your letter regarding the benefits of on-site clinics.  I am in total agreement with your sentiments.  At UAH we are working hard to instill this culture of wellness on our campus.  To that end the Faculty and Staff Clinic has teamed up with Human Resources to offer wellness programs such as Walk-With-A-Nurse where our Nurse Practitioners lead a 45-minute walk twice a week on campus.  This is just one program of several that we are offering.  The Faculty and Staff Clinic has just celebrated its 10-year anniversary and we would not have been viable without the support of the UAH administration. Thank you again for your letter.

Louise C. O’Keefe,
Director, UAH Faculty & Staff Clinic