36. International Nurse Migration: Facilitating the Transition
The articles in this topic portray in a realistic manner the political and cultural landscape of international nursing. The articles describe obstacles and opportunities to international recruitment, exchange, and partnership. Specific topics discussed include concerns related to migration as a temporary arrangement, a Latin American perspective on nurse migration, a description of an acculturation program for internationally educated nurses, the globalization of higher education, and the experiences of a nurse who migrated to the United States from the Philippines.
Overview and Summary
Lucille A. Joel, EdD, RN, FAANMay 31, 2008
Maria M. Baptiste, MSN, APRN-BC, NP-C, CCRN-CMCAugust 18, 2015
Mary Lou de Leon Siantz, PhD, RN, FAAN; Silvina Malvárez, PhD, RNMay 31, 2008
Rita K. Adeniran, MSN, RN, CMAC, CNAA, BC ; Victoria L. Rich, PhD, RN, FAAN ; Elizabeth W. Gonzalez, PhD, APRN-BC ; Cheryl A. Peterson, MSN, RN ; Sandra Jost, MSN, RN ; Melanie Gabriel, RN, BSNMay 31, 2008
Andrea Baumann, PhD, RN ; Jennifer Blythe, MLS, PhDMay 31, 2008