Hirsh Institute Article Repository

The Sarah Cole Hirsh Institute for Best Nursing Practices of the Case Western Reserve University Frances Payne Bolton School of Nursing

The Hirsh Institute's mission is to build a repository of best nursing practices based on research findings. Institute activities include: disseminating the most current scientific evidence on best nursing practices to clinicians, educators, administrators, and policy makers; guiding nursing research by identifying areas where scientific evidence is lacking; and conducting certificate programs for nursing staff to identify and implement evidence based practice.

Hirsh Institute Closing Statement

July 2006

The Hirsh Institute is pleased to have been associated with OJIN for the last three years. The publication of the seven best practice reviews on the OJIN site has been rewarding for the authors of the reviews who have been contacted by colleagues from all over the world for additional information. Evidence-based practice is more widely known and receiving increasing interest from many perspectives. We are glad to have contributed to this endeavor and look forward to continued work with our colleagues at OJIN.

Caveat: The pace of science moves rapidly and scientific knowledge changes. Thus, best practice reviews and the recommendations within them are limited to the scientific knowledge available at the time of their preparation and publication. We recommend caution in using information from best practice reviews that are more than two years old.

Hirsh Institute articles can be accessed via the link "Hirsh Institute Article Repository" on the Journal Topics Page.

Elizabeth A. Madigan, PhD, RN
Associate Professor
Interim Head, Sarah Cole Hirsh Institute for Best Nursing Practices Based on Evidence
