Letter to the Editor on "Whistleblowing As a Failure of Organizational Ethics"

Administrative Ethics: What's Your Integrity Quotient (IQ)?

October 27, 1999
in response to Whistleblowing As a Failure of Organizational Ethics

Dear Editor:

Thank you for your article, "Whistleblowing as a Failure of Organizational Ethics," in the OJIN, 1998. I appreciate Barry Adams' bravery in standing up for his rights and the rights of his patients. Whistleblowing is all too hard to do with the threat of losing your job, not being able to pay the rent, and fear of repercussions.

Our country appropriately has done a good job in protecting the rights of the patients. However, as a nation, we have greatly missed the opportunity to protect the rights of nurses. Fortunately each state has a State Nurses Association (SNA) ready and willing to protect the rights of nurses. These SNAs will come to a nurse's defense when asked to so do.

The Board of Nurse Examiners exists for the public. Nurses, the SNA is here for you, the nurse.

Thank you,

Carol Compton, BSN, RN
President of the Texas Nurses Association, District 5
Graduate Student, University of Texas at Austin
School of Nursing